Document Crunch

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Meet the Crunchers: Senior Channel Manager Chad Waite

What is your position at Document Crunch and what do you do in your role?

I am the Sr. Channel Manager and oversee our partnerships division, including strategic, referral and integration partner relationships.

How would your fellow employees describe you? 

“Every time I talk to Chad he completely brightens up any type of day I'm having. His enthusiasm and optimism are the first things you notice about him, but he also has the energy and tenacity to just move mountains and just make things happen. He's had a huge impact with existing partners and how he's grown our partner function in just a few short months is really remarkable. He fully embodies what it means to be a Cruncher.” - Lori Peters

“Chad's enthusiasm and excitement are completely contagious! He's always super engaged, willing to lend a hand to everyone on the team, and pushing to take everything we do to the next level.” - Jackie Guilbault

What is a surprising or fun fact about you?

I tried starting my own software company in 2022… and failed miserably. It makes me respect the folks that have successful outcomes even more!

Who or what inspires you the most? 

I follow professional mountain biking very closely. The training, rigor, and dedication these athletes must adhere to in order to perform is second to none, and I love to see the results of that adherence during the race season.

What drew you to Document Crunch? 

Document Crunch is fundamentally built on true artificial intelligence, not just a bolt-on AI module to an existing project. This makes it incredibly powerful and very easy to see the ROI of using it, something that is harder for other AI tools to make clear.

What do you like most about being a Cruncher? 

The absolutely exceptional leadership at the helm. They care deeply about the team and treat every Cruncher like valuable, essential pieces to the mission, not just expendable pieces of a job function, which is so common with other companies at this stage.